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She is Affirmed Podcast

Feb 7, 2022

My physical presence is worthy of celebration.

I trust that I always do my best.

Change is easier, when I give myself grace.

Respect begins with love; therefore, I love my entire self.

“Me time” is a healthy gift that I happily give to myself.

It is safe for me to live my truth.

I let go of the old and make a room for the new.

I give myself the unconditional gift of love.

I am worthy of compassion.

The more I focus my mind On the good, the more good comes into my life.

Buddha once said “ If your compassion does not include yourself, It is incomplete.”

Speak these self compassion affirmations throughout your day to help guide you in your journey.

Xoxo, Sarah V


Youtube Channel: 

7 Habits of A Highly Confident Woman


Increase Your Self Worth | Self Love Journey

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How to level up Mentally in 2022
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